Project Management Courses In Canada: Which One Is The Best For You

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Picture of Shivani Mani

Shivani Mani

Lead, Student Success - FundRight

In the world of increasing demand for project managers, completing a project management course is a great career investment.

In this guide, we have explained why doing a project management course in Canada is a great choice, what are your options, and how to choose the best one.

Why To Do A Project Management Course In Canada

There are a lot of benefits of studying in Canada and in doing a project management course in Canada. Let us take a look at them.

  1. Studying in Canada is cheaper than studying in the US.
  2. The cost of living in Canada is much lower as well.
  3. Canada is friendly to immigrants and the chance of getting a permanent residency is higher.
  4. Living in Canada also gives you quick access to the US.
  5. Project management is an extremely rewarding course for your career.
  6. Students and professionals can switch fields easily while increasing their income.
  7. The demand for project managers in North America is constantly increasing.

There are different types of project management courses in Canada that can be a great option for students and experienced professionals.

Types Of Project Management Courses In Canada

Type of the project management course in CanadaAverage costLength of the courseIdeal for
Graduate Certificate In Project Management16,000-20,000 CAD8 monthsProfessionals who want to migrate from technical to managerial domain
Graduate Diploma In Project Management17,000-25,000 CAD1-2 yearsProfessionals with less job experience.
Masters In Project Management20,000-40,000 CAD2 yearsStudents
Mba In Project Management25,000-50,000 CAD2 yearsStudents and professionals

Here are more details about each of the types of project management courses in Canada.

Graduate Certificate In Project Management In Canada

Certificate programs are interpreted more as academic achievements than independent degrees and can be pursued at both Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. True to their name, ‘certificate’ degree programs attest that the holder has practical knowledge of the subject.

These programs are ideal for those who are short on time and want to get a job in the project management sector. For example, students who are in the technical field but want to switch to a managerial role will find these courses beneficial.

To complete this kind of project management course in Canada, will cost you between 15,000-20,000 CAD.

Graduate Diploma In Project Management In Canada

A diploma in project management is generally awarded by universities rather than postsecondary colleges. These kinds of courses are longer than graduate but shorter than a degree or an MBA program.
These kinds of project management courses in Canada are ideal for technical students who want to try their hand in the managerial world. They differ from certificate courses in the point that they are more in-depth and are opted by individuals with less job experience.

A graduate diploma in project management in Canada will cost you between 17,000-25,000 CAD.

Masters In Project Management In Canada

These degrees are longer than the above two kinds of project management courses in Canada and help students and professionals switch fields. Masters in project management in Canada are specializations in that field.

If you are a student fresh out of college with a Bachelor’s degree with little to no job experience, this is the best choice for you. It will take two years to complete but will give you all the theoretical and practical knowledge to become an all-rounder in project management.

Depending on the college/university and scholarship amount, a Masters in project management in Canada will cost you between 20,000-40,000 CAD

MBA In Project Management

MBAs are known for rewarding the degree holders with massive salaries and if that is what you are looking for, then this may be the right choice for you. It is not that other types of project management courses in Canada have lower returns, it is that MBAs will give higher returns fast.

These degrees are ideal for both students with little to no work experience and professionals who have lots. By nature, an MBA in project management is much tougher than other project management courses.

It will cost you between 25,000-40,000 CAD to get one of these.

Now the question is which college/university should you go to?

Best Colleges And Universities For Doing A Project Management Course In Canada

For Indian students and professionals who want to do one of the project management courses in Canada need to focus on the following things –

  1. Career aspirations: Being a project manager has its advantages and disadvantages. Make sure that you are okay with both.
  2. Financial investment: This is a huge factor, especially for middle-class families. The best choice is a low interest, no collateral loan.
  3. Return on investment: Job opportunities and the salary range. However, it is tricky because it depends on personal factors like job experience, the field of choice, etc.
Type of project management courseTop colleges/universities where it is offeredAverage salary earned by graduates
Graduate Certificate In Project Management
  • Conestoga College
  • Royal Roads University
  • Fanshawe College
  • Centennial College
58,000 CAD
Graduate Diploma In Project Management
  • Vancouver Island University
  • University of Winnipeg
  • Douglas College
66,000 CAD
Masters In Project Management
  • Northeastern University
  • Royal Roads University
  • École de Technologie Supérieure
72,000 CAD
MBA In Project Management
  • University of Northern British Columbia
  • University of Canada West
75,000 CAD

Note: These are average estimated salaries. Salaries depend on multiple factors like the profitability of the industry, prior work experience, city of work, company, etc. The numbers above are to be used for comparing the different types of project management courses in Canada.

With all these options, it might be confusing, to say the least for Indian students who want to do any management degree including Masters in project management in Canada.

It is very crucial to choose the college/university that is best for you.

How SelectRight Helps You Choose The Best University For Doing A Project Management Course In Canada

SelectRight is a college/university searching platform that recommends students’ educational institutions that will be best for their careers. It works in five simple steps. Take a look:

Create your SELECT account and get customized university recommendations.

The five-step process for selecting the best college/university for a project management course in Canada benefits Indian students in a variety of ways.

1. Cuts Down Your College/University Searching Time Significantly

To do a project management course in Canada, the first thing you need to do is find a college that matches your preferences. In order to do that, you have to write down the crucial details of your profile, like educational details, job experiences, etc., and start your search.

While searching, you have to go through a lot of blog articles, forums, and videos to learn about various colleges/universities that could be the best for you. Then, you will see if it matches your preferences and start applying to each of them

The problem is, it takes a lot of time. Depending on your parameters, it can take between a few weeks to a couple of months.

SelectRight sends you college/university recommendations instantly.

All you need to do is create a SELECT account and let us know your preferences. We will cross-check it with all the Canadian universities and colleges that offer project management courses. Then, that list will be sent to your inbox.

2. Choose The College/University That Is Best For You

It is no surprise that a majority of information on the blogs about various universities and colleges for doing a project management course in Canada is sponsored. All those sites want to do is get you into a specific college so that they can earn some commission.

More often than not, those college/university options are not best for you.

SelectRight implements data analysis to send the best college recommendations.

We have over 500 colleges/universities in our database and we evaluate each college on 100+ parameters. Through machine learning, we ensure that the applicants get the best choices in front of them.

3. Get Advice From Alumni And Experts

When planning to do a project management course in Canada, it is crucial to have the right information about everything. Living in a new city and starting a unique career journey will definitely pose some important questions you want to be answered.

Unfortunately, most of the students struggle to find the right guidance, until now.

SelectRight connects you with alumni and experts who can answer all your questions.

As these individuals were either in your shoes in the past or have helped multiple individuals like you earlier, they can guide you easily. You can get all your doubts cleared fast.

Start By Creating Your SELECT Account

Sign up now with SelectRight and answer a few questions about your preferences. We will send you college recommendations immediately.


Question 1: Which project management certification is best in Canada?

Ans: For students, Masters in project management is the best option. However, it depends on your career preferences.

Question 2: How much does project management cost in Canada?

Ans: It depends on the type of project management course in Canada you are going for and the college/university you have selected. The Certificate program costs the least and the MBA costs the most.

Question 3: MBA in project management pays the most. Should I just go for that

Ans: The average salary for MBA in project management is higher than the average salary in other types of project management courses. It doesn’t necessarily mean it pays the most. Salary depends on many factors like industry, existing job experience, etc.

Before choosing a type of project management course, you should make sure you understand the pros and cons of it, which we already explained in this article.

Question 4: Which of these colleges/universities offer scholarships?

Ans: Most of the top colleges offer scholarships. But there are a lot of organizations that sponsor meritorious students. It is hard to say which scholarship will be the best for you as each student is unique. 

Question 5: Project management jobs pay more in the US. Isn’t that an obvious option?

Ans: True. However, at the beginning of the article, we have explained why Canada is a better destination: lower course fees and cost of living, more chances of getting citizenship, etc., make Canada better.

Picture of Shivani Mani

Shivani Mani

Shivani, aka 'Sheen' brings in 15+ years of experience in banking & finance. An IIM-A alumna, she actively interacts with students & provides actionable solutions to their study abroad funding issues.

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