IELTS Writing Task 1 & 2: Samples, Analysis & How To Ace Them

IELTS Writing Task 1 & 2 Guide: Samples, Analysis & Scores

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Picture of Shivani Mani

Shivani Mani

Lead, Student Success - FundRight

The IELTS exam is the most popular English proficiency test that’s important for you to study abroad. It is trusted by more than 140 countries for study, work, and migration purposes. 

Many universities globally rely on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) to assess applicants’ language skills to study and live abroad.

There are two types of IELTS tests: 

  1. Academic 
  2. General Training

To study at a university, you need to take the IELTS Academic test. 

In this guide, you will learn about how to get your desired score in the IELTS writing task. 

Learn about:

  • IELTS writing task 1
  • IELTS writing task 2
  • Analysis of samples of IELTS writing
  • How to get a 9 band score

Also Read: Study Abroad Guide for Indian Students 2024

IELTS overview

Validity2 years
Modeonline but physically present at the authorized center

IELTS is only a small part of the admission process. There are also more stressful stages like the Statement of Purpose, CV and more. 

To handle standardized tests like IELTS and other things together, sign up on SelectRight. Get access to a carefully curated directory of unbiased industry experts who can help you with various aspects of your application like SOP review, application review, LOR review or any other queries that might require expert opinion.

Also Read: IELTS vs TOEFL: Understanding the Difference Between TOEFL and IELTS

IELTS writing task: Time and sections

Section 130 minutesListening 
Section 260 minutesReading
Section 360 minutesWriting
Section 4Under 14 minutes Speaking

The test is marked using band scores, 1 – 9. Each section is marked and the marks are converted into bands. A score of 7 or higher is expected in all top ranking colleges. 

IELTS writing task

The main skills assessed are how well you can:

  • Organize your ideas 
  • Write a response to a prompt 
  • Use a range of vocabulary and grammar accurately

IELTS writing task 1 format

You will be given a graph, table, chart or diagram. Based on the representation, you’ll be asked to describe, summarize or explain the information in your own words.

For example, for a graph you might have to explain and describe the data or you might have to describe an object or event in a diagram. 

You are expected to spend 20 minutes of the 60 minutes on task 1. The expected word limit is at least 150 words. 

IELTS writing task 2 format

Task 2 is an essay question. You will have to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem.

10 most common topics:

  1. Health
  2. Environment
  3. Education
  4. Development
  5. Globalization
  6. Public Transport
  7. Criminal Justice
  8. Youth Crime
  9. Technology
  10. Government Spending

You are expected to spend 40 minutes of the 60 minutes on task 1. The expected word limit is at least 250 words. 

You can also take a free IELTS writing practice test. 

Also Read: IELTS Test Score: Result, Validity & How to Check

How to do well on IELTS writing task 1

The marks distribution

You receive a score for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. The scores are then averaged which gives the overall score. Scores are always rounded up to the nearest half score. For example, if you get 5.75, it will be rounded up to 6.

Getting a 7 or above shows that you can cope with complex situations in English. Getting a band 7 is a basic requirement by most colleges to study in an English-speaking country.

The four criteria used to judge the writing section:

  • Task achievement – ability to present relevant ideas, explain them and support them. 
  • Coherence and cohesion – ability to clearly express your ideas and link different ideas together. 
  • Lexical resource – the quality of language, mainly focused on vocabulary.
  • Grammatical range and accuracy – ability to write a combination of complex and simple sentences and use a variety of appropriate structures.

Now, that you know the four criteria, you have to frame an answer that does well in these areas. 

Structure your answer

Even in 150 words, you need to have an introduction, body and conclusion. 

You can start with paraphrasing the question in the first paragraph and introduce your main idea. Don’t include the supporting evidence. 

You can add the supporting evidence in the body and finally sum up your thoughts in the last paragraph. A rough division could look like 25 (intro) – 100 (body) – 25 (conclusion) 

Answer according to the representation

Depending on what you have been asked to describe, your answer will vary.

For example, if you have been asked to describe two maps and outline the changes, you will focus on asking key questions about the changes and answering them in your essay. 

If you have been asked to describe a diagram that depicts the process of photosynthesis, you will focus on the relationship among the different stages in the same diagram rather than focusing on comparison. 

 Sample 1 of IELTS writing Task 1

Ielts writing task

The paper received a B and 6. 

Things done well:

  • Good attempt to describe the graphs looking at global trends and more detailed figures
  • Smooth flow
  • Grammatical accuracy 
  • Good use of language 

Areas of improvement:

  • Missing information and inaccurate information
  • Overused connectives 
  • Ideas not linked well
  • Problems with expressions in some places
  • Lack of complexity and variation in the sentences 

Sample 2 of IELTS writing task 1

The paper received a Band 9.


  • All key features of each stage of the process are appropriately and accurately presented.
  • Excellent overview in the beginning
  • Changing grammatical function
  • Easy to read and cohesive 
  • Paragraphing, linking and referencing are all skillfully managed.
  • Language is fluent 
  • A wide range of vocabulary and structures

Common mistakes to avoid in writing task 1

Below are some of the most frequent mistakes that you must avoid when attempting Task 1 in the IELTS exam.

Lack of a clear overview

One of the errors that test takers commit is the failure to include the overview sentences or any introductory lines in the first part of the answer. Not doing so can confuse your examiners and hamper your overall score. Hence, strategically position the overview in the section.

Misinterpreting the data

Carefully analyze the visual information before writing. Misreporting units or failing to mention key features can lead to inaccuracies in your response.

Overcomplicating the description

Stick to summarizing the main points rather than trying to describe every detail. That can result in writing more than the required words, and you might also lose a lot of time. You should stick to the points and write as concisely as possible.

Repetitive language

Using the same vocabulary and sentence structures repeatedly can hinder your score. Use some synonyms and different grammatical constructions.

Including personal opinions

Task 1 requires an objective summary of information, not personal commentary or opinions. Focus solely on describing the data presented.

Not checking your response

This is one of the more serious errors on the part of the candidates during the actual test. While writing, always spend 1 or 2 minutes at the end to check your writing. Pay attention to:

  • spelling
  • punctuation
  • articles
  • subject and verb agreement
  • the mistakes you know you often make

Read your response a few times. Each time you read, focus on a different aspect and proofread. 

How to do well in IELTS writing task 2?

The marking system for task 2 is the same as task 1. The two key differences are:

  • Question type
  • Word limit

Plan well

You might be asked to argue for a motion or give your opinion on something. To do this, you have to plan beforehand. 

You have 20 more minutes on your hand in this section. Use the extra time to make bullet points. This will help you cover all the essential points, link your ideas and find a coherent flow. 

Form a thesis statement

To argue or present your point of view, having a thesis statement is mandatory. This helps you argue for one thing, giving your essay structure rather than being all over the place. 

For example, the question is ‘The privatization of the medical sector mainly affects the marginalized communities. What is your opinion?’

Your thesis statement could be: Privatization of the healthcare sector leads to the selective exclusion of those from the marginalized communities as they lack economic and social capital. 

Line edit

After you are done with your essay, don’t skim over it and identify mistakes. Read each line carefully to see if there are any grammatical errors. 

This can also help you polish your sentences. 

Develop a vocabulary list

Based on the common topics, develop a vocabulary list. 

How to develop vocabulary.

  • Try guessing the meaning of words from the context.
  • Link new words to existing words you already know. You can also look at synonyms instead of definitions.
  • Review the new words regularly and try to use them in writing.

Sample of IELTS writing task 2

Ielts writing task

This paper received Band 5.

Things done well:

  • Topic is well-expressed and a position is taken. 
  • Ideas are clearly organized and there is an overall progression within the response
  • Use of cohesive devices 
  • Range of vocabulary 

Things gone wrong:

  • Note – in the third paragraph there is an unclear development.
  • Some ideas are not well-developed
  • Over-use of linkers
  • Short paragraphs 
  • Spelling errors 
  • Flaws in task response 

Comparison of scores

This table compares Band 9 and Band 6 scores based on the four above-mentioned criteria.

Band 9Band 6
Task achievement You have to fully satisfy all the requirements of the task. This means doing everything the question asks you to. Clearly present a fully developed response to the question. Present a clear overview of main trends, differences or stages for task 1. Clearly state your argument for task 2.Address the requirements of the taskPresent an overview with appropriately selected information Highlight key features/bullet points but missed out on revelace or accuracy 
Coherence and cohesion Use cohesion effortlessly. This means that it should come organically and not look forced. Examples of cohesive devices – also, equally, and, but, and more. You also have to paraphrase the question well and add value to it.Arranged information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall progressionUsed cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical Did not reference clearly or appropriately
Lexical resource Use a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features. Rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’ and do not affect your overall score. Used adequate range of vocabulary Used  less common vocabulary but with someinaccuracyMade some errors in spelling and/or word formation without impeding communication
Grammatical range and accuracyUse a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracyUsed a mix of simple and complex sentence forms Made some errors in grammar and punctuation but theyrarely reduce communication

Conduct your IELTS writing practice with these bands in mind. 

Now, focus on IELTS writing practice. With our IELTS writing task guide, you know how to start preparing to get your desired score to qualify for these exams to study abroad.

Depending on your score, you can decide which colleges you want to apply to. If you don’t get your desired score, that’s okay as well.

There are plenty of colleges abroad that you can still attend, some don’t even require English proficiency tests. 

How to find them?

Ielts writing task

SelectRight can help you. SelectRight uses 6 million data points across 10,000+ STEM, CS & MBA programs to give you transparent and unbiased recommendations on best matched fundable programs as per your requirements.

All the best for your IELTS writing task. With the help of AI-powered SelectRight, you can get into your dream school. 

Also Read: Difference Between Academic and General IELTS – Which is Best for Students?


What is the difference between IELTS writing task 1 and task 2?

IELTS Writing Task 1 is a writing assignment in which the test taker must summarize some visual information (i.e., graphs, charts, or diagrams) in about 150 words. It’s all about describing trends in the data and comparing. 
Writing Task 2, however, is different because it requires the test taker to write an essay of at least 250 words in response to a prompt, in which the candidate must state an argument, discuss an issue, or propose a solution to a problem.

How are IELTS writing tasks 1 and 2 marked?

Both tasks are marked based on four criteria:
– Task Achievement: How well does the response meet the requirements of the task?
– Coherence and Cohesion: The structure of thought, the order of information.
– Lexical Resource: The range and accuracy of vocabulary used.
– Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The variety and correctness of grammatical structures employed. 
– Each category counts as 25% of the total grad

Is IELTS writing task 2 easy?

IELTS Writing Task 2 is not that hard. However, it depends from person to person. It will be a tough assignment for others because of the nature of constructing arguments and trying to fit all of that into 40 minutes. But then again, with practice and exposure to the usual kinds of topics and general forms of essays, most of the candidates can do better.

What are the types of IELTS writing tasks 1?

The usual assignments for IELTS Writing Task 1 are as follows:
– Line Graphs: Showing trends over time.
– Bar Charts: Comparing different categories or groups.
– Pie Charts: Representing data in percentage form.
– Tables: Displaying numerical data in rows and columns.
– Processes: Describing how something works or is made.
– Maps: Comparing geographical changes or layouts.
– Combinations: Using multiple types of visual data together

Picture of Shivani Mani

Shivani Mani

Shivani, aka 'Sheen' brings in 15+ years of experience in banking & finance. An IIM-A alumna, she actively interacts with students & provides actionable solutions to their study abroad funding issues.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 & 2 Guide: Samples, Analysis & Scores

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