Getting Education Loan For Studying In Canada Just Got Easy For Indian Students

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Picture of Shivani Mani

Shivani Mani

Lead, Student Success - FundRight

Get low-interest loans in two days.

Yes, within 48 hours.

In your email inbox.

Here is how we can get you the perfect education loan to study in Canada.

How Fundright Get You The Perfect Education Loan To Study In Canada Fast

FundRight gives a lot of advantages to Indian students who want to do their Master’s in Canada. Here is a complete list of the benefits you can look forward to.

1. Get Loan options within 48 hours

If there is one challenge that international education loan applicants face, it is the unreasonably long turnaround time (TAT) of the banks.

It can range from a few days to a few weeks depending on the mindset of the bank employees. Your application will be delayed naturally when the bank asks you for numerous documents that take days to obtain. Then, the slow pace of paperwork in banks will delay it further.

FundRight sends you loan options to your email inbox within 48 hours.

That’s right. We need two days because that’s how long it requires. Create your profile, tell us a bit about yourselves and we will send you the best loan options that you can choose from.

2. Compare 30+ moneylenders before choosing the best option for you

By manually sending loan applications to banks, you will have 3-5 options at most. Also, these options will be limited to your geographical location.

With FundRight, you can select the best from 30+ options.

We will get you quotations from public banks, private banks, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), and international moneylenders. They will compete among themselves to give you a student loan for studying abroad.

3. Save 2-5% on your student loan interests

It is our objective to get you a low-interest no collateral education loan to study abroad. We ensure that outcome by having moneylenders bid on your profile and leave it to you to make the choice.

The interests decide what kind of a lifestyle you can lead while studying and how much sacrifice your parents need to make.

FundRight gets you a no collateral loan with the lowest rate of interest.

We have empowered countless students by reducing the burden of high-interest education loans for studying in Canada. You can save up to ₹23 lakhs in your loan journey.

4. Receive unbiased expert guidance

New loan applicants are swarmed with advisors who help them choose the best loan option. Often, these advisors are bank agents or at least affiliated with banks. Their recommendation is always in the best interests of the institutions they are representing.

At FundRight, we will give you unbiased advice.

To ensure that, we hide identifying details from your profile and show only the relevant details to our in-house experts. Our experts have already helped countless students make a wiser financial choice while choosing an education loan for Canada.

5. You Will Get It All From Your Home

Did we mention that you don’t even have to step out of your house to do all of that?

Studying abroad is one of the most exciting moments of your life. But that all goes away because you have to run to and from banks, government offices, and more. It is hard to think about your future when you are occupied by problems. 

Fortunately, we have a solution for that.

FundRight saves you weeks of hard work.

Create your profile today.

The next thing for you is to start thinking about your stay in Canada and all the opportunities you will have access to. But it is not just career opportunities that make Canada a great destination for students.

Canada is now the new destination for ambitious Indian students for a variety of reasons.

Why Should You Study In Canada?

Canada is increasingly becoming the popular choice among Indian students who want to do their Masters abroad. Here are some of the benefits you can look forward to if you choose to study in Canada.

Less Tuition Fees

The average tuition fee for studying in Canada per year is about ₹15 lakhs as compared to ₹25 lakhs in the USA. That is ₹20 lakhs in two years.

If you are from a middle-class family in India, that makes a huge difference. Furthermore, due to globalization and drivable distance from the USA, you will have similar access to career opportunities.

Low Cost Of Living

Just like tuition fees, you will save a lot by studying in Canada as the rent is lower. On average, you will save at least 25% on rent and monthly expenses.

This will give you more financial freedom while staying abroad. Having more spare cash will help you deal with unforeseen situations easily. On top of that, your total loan amount will be lower.

Better For Immigrants

Getting permanent residency and citizenship in Canada is relatively easier as compared to the USA. Also, benefits like universal healthcare and cheaper education are great motivators for Indian-origin students to settle abroad.

One of the biggest reasons Indian students don’t consider Canada is because getting a low-interest education loan is difficult. We have listed the causes of this financial roadblock.

Challenges In Getting An Education Loan To Study In Canada

High-Interest Rates

Banks are known for high-interest education loans. There are numerous instances where people are surprised when they know that a car loan has a lower rate of interest than an education loan.

It will be even more if you take loans from private moneylenders and NBFCs.

If you don’t have collateral, your rate of interest increases drastically. This scares a lot of meritorious students away from chasing their goals.

Long Duration Before Approval

Banks, especially government banks are known for their extremely slow paperwork. In this hyperfast world, you will be at a major disadvantage.

Your loan approval process in banks will be slower for a number of reasons.

  1. It depends on the availability of the relevant bank employees.
  2. Banks could get temporarily shut down if COVID-19 starts to infect people with the next variant.
  3. You will have to get an extra document from a government office which will take its own time.

It is no wonder that getting a loan approval or the initial details will take at least a few weeks or even a month.

No Proper Guidance

This is the most important one.

Every student will have a lot of questions that they need the answer to so that they can make an informed choice. Unfortunately, a lot of online advice is doctored, sponsored by the banks to get more customers, or coming from people who have no idea about the process at all.

All these challenges are easily solved with FundRight.

Get low interest, low collateral international student loans in two days.

Create your profile today.

Picture of Shivani Mani

Shivani Mani

Shivani, aka 'Sheen' brings in 15+ years of experience in banking & finance. An IIM-A alumna, she actively interacts with students & provides actionable solutions to their study abroad funding issues.

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